The book market spills right across the Place du Palais de Justice in Nice’s old town, so much so that you’ll hardly know where to start. A piece of important advice – take your time, you’ll need it to get through everything. Some old books are out of the price range of most people. Others, however, are more affordable. You may stumble across a copy of a much-loved book and find you simply can’t leave without it. Then there are all the paperbacks to which you could treat yourself for a few euros, just for the joy of reading them once again. Genuine fans of the comic book genre just can’t get enough of them – they’re well catered to here as well. If you also like posters and postcards, you’ll be in seventh heaven. Whatever you’re buying, bargaining is expected – not that you’ll make the deal of the decade, but it’s a tradition that often opens the door to a wider conversation with the stall-holders. They’re all passionate about what they do and are always ready for a friendly chat.
in Nice
The book market
For book-lovers everywhere.

The book market on the Place du Palais de Justice

Comics and old magazines are to be found here... are old paperbacks!